Friday, January 23, 2009


So Leah, Uncle Phil and I are headed into the jungle bright and early tomorrow morning. We plan on having a bunch of posts about our adventures with that and Machu Piccu. I will however give you a few highlights of the trail:

1. Near Death Experience - Our guide flipped over a rock and pointed to an object on the other side of it. We thought he said, ¨Look, black beetle,¨ so we leaned in to get a closer look. In reality, he said, ¨look, black widow!¨ We literally ran away screaming. Or maybe it was just me. But either way, being so close to something so deadly was a little intense.

2. Grunting noises and sweat - As Leah and I walked up a 4200 m mountain for about 5 km, we got a lttle tired. The altitude was extremely high so we could barely breath. As a result, we had to pant and make crazy grunting noises to get air in. We would sit down every 20 meters and just pant. Everyone thought we were crazy. And once we got to the top Leah took off her backpack and had a ridiculous giant sweat stain soaked through her sweatshirt. Don´t worry, we took a picture.

3. Our Amazing Hats - Leah and I decided we wanted the most obnoxious hats we could find to wear on our trek. And we found them. Those combined with our alpaca sweaters made us look just like matronly old women going out to garden. They were perfect in the rain, and when we were hiking down a mountain, our friends who finished before us said they knew we were still alive because they could spot our hats from kms away.

Anyways, promise to have better updates later. Hopefully we will make it back alive from the jungle and not get eaten by spiders or something.

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