Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas everyone!

So Christmastime in Argentina is a bit different from what we're used to. And all we really wanted was snow. But instead I went to work in a halter top and ended up sweating all night regardless.

On Christmas Eve everything is closed here because it's the Argentines bigger night of celebration instead of Christmas Day. So since Sugar was open and served food, every single foreigner in the city was there ordering hamburgers. And a few single dads with kids...very much Tim Allen, Denny's, "The Santa Clause" for those of you who know what I'm talking about. This meant that I was extremely stressed until the kitchen closed at 1 am, at which point I was able to relax a bit and hang out with Kelly and my friends who showed up at the bar. It ended up not being such a bad way to celebrate, and I think everyone there felt a certain camaraderie of the shared desire to all be in our respective homes for the holidays.

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