Saturday, February 7, 2009

oh yeah

So Leah and I realized that we forgot to mention something that happened to us in Cusco and should probably be documented, because it was pretty funny. But definitely more funny to her than me. About 20 minutes after we returned from our horrific adventures in the jungle, I got trapped in the bathroom. That´s right, 24 year old Kelly locked herself in the bathroom.

What actually happened was that the doorknob broke, but we didn´t realize this until about 45 minutes later. Everyone just thought I was an idiot and couldn´t open the door. Leah went to the front desk, who called a maid, and apparently every maid in the 130 person hostel wanted to participate in getting that stupid american out of the bathroom. They used every key they had, but the door just wouldn´t budge. Time to call the head maintenance guy. Great.

Throughout all of this, I was just sitting in the shower listening to my ipod, feeling really stupid. I figured that the only way out was by using dynamite, so I tried to get as far away from the door as possible.

The guy came into the room and told me all I had to do was simply push a bobby pin into the side of the doorknob where there was a little hole, and the knob would unlock and set me free. Unfortunately, I saw no hole. About 15 minutes were spent with the guy telling me different ways to look for the hole, but I honestly saw nothing and felt like a moron.

Finally Leah had the brilliant idea to show me a brand new door knob, so she stuck her head through the opening above the door and showed me where the hole was. It turned out that the knob got jammed and the hole was covered and unreachable, so I was not as big of an idiot as we all had thought. The only thing left to do was to completely remove the doorknob. Even more great.

I had to stand as far away from the door as possible while the guy body slammed the door. Finally after about 15 minutes, the knob came off and the door opened. I was FINALLY free, after about an hour. I ran out of the bathroom and did a little dance and then headed straight for the bar. After 5 days in the jungle AND being locked in a bathroom for an hour, I definitely needed a beer.

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