Monday, February 23, 2009

Oscar Comments

Leah and I are currently watching the Oscars right now. Mind you it started in BsAS at 11 30, so hopefully we will be able to stay awake. This is one of the clever, thought provoking conversations that occured during the best supporting actress presentation, where Goldie Hawn, Angelica Hueston, Whoopi Goldburg, Tilda Swinton and some other chick presented:

Leah: "Hey! There are two Goldies up there! What are the odds?!
Kelly: "Wait, who is the second Goldie?"
Leah: "Goldie Hawn!"
Kelly: "Umm...then who is the first Goldie?"
Leah: "Whoopi Goldburg!....oh wait."

We also would like to comment the cinematography on their racy decision to showi Angelina Jolie's face while Jennifer Aniston was screwing up her presentation. Clearly they were hoping for something scandelous.

And when James Franco announced the winner of best short film and clearly could not pronounce the winning name, absolutely priceless.

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